
CQ ZONE: 15      ITU ZONE: 18

Region of Northern Savonia

Landskapet Norra Savolax


Hello and welcome to my website.

 My callsign is 56AT16, and my operator name is Jarkko.

 I started my hobby back in the 80s and joined the Alfa Tango group in 1988. At that time, I was assigned the callsign 56AT116.

My first SSB radios were the Colt320 and Ham Concorde3. I was active for a short period. As, of course, a young man had other things on his mind, such as starting a family, etc. 

In 2015, I started again from scratch, and here I am.

I am happy to try to collect new DXCC and islands (iota and iwi) for my collection."

I am a so-called old-school operator. I`m to exchange QSL cards with you. 

I do not collect E-QSLs under any circumstances.

 I hope to meet you on the frequencies soon.

73`s and good DX

de 56AT16

Update: 2/2025

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